
The Body and Spirit Connection

May 13th, 2024 by

Human beings are embodied spirits, which  means  our physicality is directly related to our spiritual well-being. Our bodies are fundamental to our spirituality. Body and spirit are connected, integrated, and united. What happens to one affects the other.

The importance of our physical body in our spiritual journey is very important. It is through our bodies that we express, practice, and integrate the spiritual principles that we live by. When we think of spirituality, we think of the higher dimensional elements—that is, the pursuit of the “divine.” But in order to seek the divine, we need out physicality, which is our our vessel. Our spirituality is grounded by our physical bodies.

The spiritual path is demanding and requires energy. The spiritual journey requires healing, learning, processing, releasing, which may go on for an indefinite period of time. To do all these, we need a strong and vibrant physical body. Our physical body is an integral element in embodying the higher spiritual traits in our lives.

Dave Higle of Thrive in Five have these thoughts on how our bodily experiences are integral to our spiritual life. The guide questions will help you clarify the body and spirit connection.

  1. Caring for our body leads to stamina for life’s journey.

Is your body in need of rest, nutrition?

Do you consider caring for your body less important than your spiritual needs?

  • Spiritual formation requires transformation of the body.

How aware are you of your bodily impulses and tendencies (e.g. food, workaholism, sexuality)?

Do your bodily impulses and feelings control you?

  • Life lived through our bodies provides unique ways to glorify and experience God. 

How aware are you of the variety of ways to experience God in and through your body?

  • God speaks to us through our bodies. 

What is your body telling you right now about other aspects of your life?

Is your body telling you that it needs tending to?

What can you do today to tend to your body’s needs?

Certainly, there is a definite relationship that exists between the physical and the spiritual. As Michael Bassey Johnson says in The Oneironaut’s Diary, “The head of the physical rest in the arms of the spiritual.”


Berger, Brett. “Spiritual Wellness Week: Physical Life as Spiritual Discipline.” Last modified April 5, 2022.

Branco, Deborah. “Navigating Life’s Path: Embracing Divine Guidance for Strength, Wisdom, and Direction.” Last modified September 8, 2023.

Higley, Dave. “Spiritual-Bodily Spirituality: Five Reasons to Care.” Last modified may 27,2017.

Full Strength. “Bodily Spirituality.” Accessed April 21, 2024.

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