About the Book



Change gives you the opportunity to try new things and grow from your errors. It is not a source of shame for any of us to make mistakes. The important thing is how you respond to them. Your likelihood of trying new things increases if you embrace change as a natural part of life. As a result, you will be able to better understand who you are, your boundaries, and your desires, which will help you develop personally.

Being flexible and adaptive requires embracing change. The inability to adjust to novel circumstances that arise actually makes us feel more anxious, exposed, and insecure. When we welcome change, we become flexible and take advantage of the chances presented by new events, people, and situations. When others tell you that you can’t do something or you may never achieve something you dream of, do not listen to them. Find people who will support you and your dreams. Life will throw challenges at you—some, happy experiences; quite a lot, painful and difficult ones—but you need to face them head-on and learn from them.

What about My Life tells the life story of one man who pursued his dreams despite the obstacles in both personal and professional aspects. Much like a real pro boxer, the man had to swerve left, right, up, and down and make a thorough follow-through to get back at life and get back on his track to success.

This book is available online and can be purchased at online bookstores.

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